Camping World is not just a major retailer of recreational vehicles and related products in America and has its name synonymous with the great outdoors.
They have a dedication to new developments in products as well as human capital management.
This prompted them to partner with ADP – Vantage HCM, improving their HR processes and taking them further into the digital age.

How did ADP Vantage HCM Helped Camping World?
Camping World’s RVs and outdoor gear are just part of their innovative nature. They wanted an HCM that could match this level of commitment to progress and they got it from ADP Vantage HCM.
This article will give an insight on how ADP enabled Camping World transform HR landscape:
From Paperwork to Automated Efficiency
Before ADP Vantage HCM was implemented, all HR activities at Camping World were largely paper-based. For instance, 70 pages had to be completed by fresh recruits whereas payroll and benefits administration were entirely manual, time-consuming tasks.
By bringing in automation through ADP Vantage HCM, various repetitive tasks were eliminated thereby saving valuable time and resources as well as being compliant with their sustainability policy.
Elevating the HCM Experience
The previous HR system of Camping World did not have applicant tracking or self-service capabilities.
This gap was however filled by ADP Vantage HCM which came with a digital platform for employees’ entire lifecycle starting from recruitment until retirement.
Managers were given access to applicant tracking tools thus streamlining hiring process while workers managed their details including pay stubs, benefits programs, work schedules etc electronically hence there was increased independence for them.
Partnership for Innovation
ADP Payroll, Benefits & Compliance Vice President at Camping World Daniel Varela emphasizes the importance of partnership with ADP.
In response to those challenges raised by Camping World against it among other things leading to success in implementation stage till now due to its collaborative approach considering innovation as well.
Improved Employee Engagement
At Camping World, the self-service functionalities and user-friendly interface of ADP Vantage HCM led to a more engaged workforce.
This meant that employees had access to their important HR information and were able to manage their data at their own convenience. With lesser reliance on HR for routine tasks, the team became involved in more strategic activities thus improving employee experience in HR.
Aligning with Camping World’s Values
Camping World’s commitment to sustainability goes beyond its product range.
A shift from paper-intensive processes with ADP Vantage HCM has resulted in significant reductions in carbon footprint by this firm. By doing so, they showed how much they are dedicated towards ethical business practices.
Innovation from the Inside Out
Daniel Varela who is Camping World’s Vice President of Payroll, Benefits & Compliance stresses the importance of creating an innovative culture “Our CEO Marcus Lemonis encourages innovation that improves lives – our customers’, employees’, and our own.”
With help of ADP Vantage HCM, this helped modernize HR practices while also enhancing overall employee experiences.
The Road to Success
Camping World’s innovation tenacity surpasses its product line to every part of the business. It has achieved considerable improvements in HR effectiveness, employee self-service, and green credentials through embracing digital transformation with ADP Vantage HCM.
Such collaboration between a forward-thinking company and a leading HCM solution vendor shows the power of technology to remake even the most conservative processes.
In this regard, ADP Vantage HCM will undoubtedly remain a cherished partner as Camping Wild continues to make strides in the outdoor recreation sector.
Accessing ADP Vantage HCM:
Camping World employees can leverage the many benefits of ADP Vantage HCM by logging in to the platform. Here’s a quick guide:
- Navigate to the Login Page: Open a web browser and visit the ADP Vantage HCM login page specifically designated for Camping World employees. This information can likely be obtained from your HR department or through internal Camping World communications.
- User Login Selection: Enter your User ID (provided during onboarding) and your chosen password in the designated fields.
- Login: Click the “Log In” button to access your ADP Vantage HCM dashboard. This grants you access to your personal HR information, self-service functionalities, and various features offered by the platform.
Remember: For any questions or assistance regarding the ADP Vantage HCM login process or your HR information, reach out to Camping World’s HR department. They are there to support you and ensure a smooth experience with the platform.
Camping World’s tale of success with ADP Vantage HCM is an example that exhibits how modern HR technologies can be transformative.
By adopting automation, self-services features and a partnership with ADP, Camping World realized amazing progress in efficiency, employee participation and environmental stewardship towards sustainability.
Notably, Camping World will continue pioneering this path within the outdoor industry where APD Vantage HCM shall indeed act as a helpful guide towards their goal for future-ready HR systems.